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Chamfering and Deburring Machine WERA ZEM 300
Request about this Machine
Basis for negotiation
Staufenberg 1
Reference number 1113-3888
Manufacture Year 2000
Operation Hours not applicable
Main Category
Metal working machinesCategory
Gear Cutting MachinesType of Machine
max. wheel diameter:300 mm
max. number of teeth:999
max. module:5
total power requirement:10 kW
weight of the machine ca.:1.800 Kos.
dimensions of the machine ca.:1300 x 1450 x 2250 mm
The Gear Tooth Deburring machine ? ZEM 300
for deburring of splines gear wheels and shafts
The advantages at a glance
- Vertical workpiece spindle
- Chamferring, debburing and smoothing
- Simultaneous Processing of 2 Gears
- Dry Processing
- Repeat accuracy when adjusting the tools
- Simple integrated Pick up swing arm or linear loader
- Crane hook machine
Swing Diameter: 300 mm
Process Diameter: 300 mm
Workpiece Length: 450 mm
Main Spindle
Spindle Flange: Zylindrisch D=120 mm
Front bearing spindle: 100 mm
RPM max: 1500 U/min
AC-Synchronmotor: 50 Nm
Clamping cylinder : pneumatic
Clamping force (5 bar): 10 kN
Working axis swing arm for chamferring tool
Feed force: 3 kN
Ball screw drive: 25x5
Position measuring system: mechanical DRO 0,05 mm
Working axis swing arm for deburring tool
Feed force: 3 kN
Ball screw drive: 25x5
Position measuring system Mechanical DRO
Electricall Equipment
Operating voltage: 400 V
Frequency: 50 Hz
Control Voltage - Alternating voltage: 230 V
Pneumatic Equipment
Air pressure: 6 bar (min. 5 bar),Oil free, continuous
Air consumption: 0,3 m³/h
Lubricating equipment
Oil/Emulsion: 120 l
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