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  • Exposure device x

Buy Used Exposure device

An imagesetter is a device used to produce printing plates or films needed for the printing process. The imagesetter is often used in the printing industry, photography, and other fields where precise exposure of materials is required. In the printing field, the imagesetter is used to produce printing plates that are later used in a printing press. The exposure device transfers digital data from a computer or other source to a photosensitive surface of the printing plate. In the process, the image is projected onto the plate in the form of exposure dots and then captured by a chemical reaction. There are several types of imagesetters, including film imagesetters and plate imagesetters. Film imagesetters are used to expose photographic film used in traditional prepress. Platesetters are mainly used to expose printing plates used in modern computer-to-plate (CTP) technology. Here, the digital data is transferred directly to the printing plate, enabling a faster and more efficient prepress process.

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Printing machines and paper processing
Manufacturer: ALLWEILER
Type of Machine:
Manufacture Year: 1991
State: Used
Markus Hirsch GmbH
Willich-Neersen Germany

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